Latest: Hostages situation in French town Roubaix

In a latest violence incident in the French town of Roubaix several people were wounded and hostages taken in a shootout between police and two robbers near Belgian border. It is strange that leftist political class still have their eyes and ears closed and don’t know how many more times similar incident going to happen before … Read more

Refugee fight again in Germany because of “Religious Differences’

Since Angela Merkel has opened Germany border for all refugees without consulting any of her Europeon partners,  problems for ordinary German citizens has only been increased and police force and civic authorities in Germany are under tremendous pressure. The latest incident in this series is the fight between Asylum seekers because of their religious differences. … Read more

London hosts International Yoga day 2015

High Commission of India Yoga Day Event London Journalism News Network

International Yoga day was celebrated in London on 21st June 2015 and people from all walks of life in all age group enjoyed the taste of Indian culture and received the knowledge of health and wisdom in the form of Yoga. The biggest session on Yoga and Indian culture was organized by High Commission of … Read more

Are Indian IT companies violating H1B Visa

Recently there was lot of news in the media about the displacement of American workers at Disney and Edison and their replacement with workers on H1B visa. The U.S. government has opened an investigation against two of the India’s biggest IT outsourcing companies (TCS and Infosys) for possible violations of H1B visa rules. Under the … Read more