73% of Teens in USA use Facebook

Facebook is celebrating its 10th anniversary as usage among all age group remains strong. According to the Pew Research, 57% of all adults and 73% of those ages 12 to 17 in the United States use Facebook with 64% of Facebook users visit the site on a daily basis, up from 51% of users in … Read more

Corporate newsrooms fail to deliver journalists need

Despite corporate organizations spending considerable amount of money on corporate communication, it seems that job is not done in an optimal way by the PR practitioners. Journalist simply want from PR practitioners the news content which provides value to their readers along with images and videos. According to a Proactive Report survey by Sally Falkow, around … Read more

Online advertising spending now more than newspapers

Online advertising spending more than newspapers It’s official now, the power of online media is  continuously increasing with the declining power of print newspaper at the same time. It is very much evident as according to a report in the year 2010 online ad spending will exceed print ad spend for the first time. “According … Read more

Dell serious with Social Media

Dell serious with Social Media Dell is serious with Social Media as Dell’s CEO Michael Dell officially launches the company’s Social Media Listening Command Centre. The objective of the company is to track all the possible conversations about Dell across the web and take action on the basis of feedback, accordingly. It is said that … Read more

Baidu Launches site similar to Groupon

Baidu Launches site similar to Groupon Chinese main search engine Baidu has launched its own platform similar to Groupon that will provide discounts to consumers in addition it will also allow businesses to freely promote their own group. Baidu launched a test version of its group buying site as part of its Youa e-commerce information … Read more

EBay buys Milo

EBay buys shopping Search Engine, Milo EBay Inc. annouced that it has bought Milo a local shopping search engine which will help the e-commerce giant to bridge the gap between online and in-store shopping. Milo software plug into the merchant’s inventory management system and enable to instantly keep tabs on all of the retailer’s products. … Read more

Google helping in copyright protection

Google now helping in copyright protection With over 1 trillion unique URLs on the web, the entire range of useful content is available on the internet, however with this growth, there have been growing number of issues relating to infringing content. Google over the time is improving its procedures and working to develop new ways … Read more