Is Rendall & Rittner harassing Mallard House residents

Rendall and Rittner UK’s residential property management company appears to be harassing Mallard House residents in SW6 London for years with unethical and unprofessional approach such as not responding to the residents’ queries & concerns, inflated bills and overcharging.

(1) R&R didn’t bother to resolve the DISPUTED Service Charge issue since last 5 years despite numerous emails from Mallard House residents. (For more info kindly scroll down and look at the several emails written to R&R which went unanswered).

(2) R&R obviously didn’t take any help of mediation for resolving DISPUTED Service Charge as they didn’t even bother to reply to residents’ queries about SCharge in the first place but keep sending threatening emails/letters.

(3) Neither R&R try to address the resident concern regarding DISPUTED Service charge and nor follow the procedure of mediation and instead hired Solicitor firm JB Leitch who without reading the lease, sent threatening email/letter to Mallard House resident.

(4) R&R in the past overcharged Mallard House residents and when asked to confirm if Service Charge demand are not over charging again and pertain ONLY to Mallard House, they went silent (email below).

(5) R&R send DISPUTED Service Charge bill which were NOT According to the LEASE. For example, Mallard House residents lease talk about ESTATE which is defined as Mallard House only but R&R Demanding Service Charges related to ESTATE 1A which involve other building/development in the Imperial Wharf and R&R didn’t bother to address not only resident queries but also ignored Mallard House association Alan/Amir Chair/Vicechair queries.

Point to note here is that Mallard House at SW6 London are not the only one whose residents are dissastified with R&R. OVER 200 EXTREMELY DISSATISFIED RESIDENTS FROM TEN DEVELOPMENTS SEND OPEN LETTER TO RENDALL AND RITTNER. More details in the link below:

They have also sent Service charge bills to Mallard House residents which don’t relate to residents’ lease. Mallard house association and residents Dispute the service charges and requested to RR for resolving the issue but instead of resolving the inflated service charge issue they have hired Solicitor firm JB LEITCH whose reviews and ratings in the public domain shows 81 reviews with the rating of 1.2 out of 5. Many reviewers stated that they have reported JB Leitch to SRA.

JB LEITCH solicitors very clearly haven’t gone through the Mallard House leaseholder lease and sent threatening emails to residents asking for exorbitant money without realising that the service charge demands of R& R are under DISPUTE and not as per the lease.

Below are some of the emails which explain that RR didn’t bother to respond to Mhouse resident’s queries for years and also didn’t take any step to resolve the disputed Service charge and instead chose to threaten MHouse residents with the support of ignorant JB LEITCH solicitors who neither bother to read the leaseholder terms and nor try to find out if the Service charge in question is disputed and RR failed to respond to residents.

From email sent on 2022-12-09, 19:15

Dear Thomas & RR Management Team,

Good afternoon, Your team keep ignoring MH residents’ legitimate concerns for years. How is that fair?

Disputed Service Charge issue

In the past, there were incidences where the Mhouse association found evidence of being overcharged by RR?

I have asked several times:  Can you ensure and confirm there is no more overcharging (ie we being charged for services or repairs not provided or done at Mallard House) Your team is again silent on this point??? Interesting isn’t it?

MH resident association is asking several questions related to disputed service charges for several years and again they have not been provided. Kindly make an effort to resolve the disputed issue with MH association team members.

Kind regards, Subodh Gupta ,Journalism News Network


Date 2022-11-09 17:54

Dear Sir, More than 3 years and still there is no efforts at your organisation end to resolve the disputed (1)Service charge which should be based on actual cost to Mallard House and (2) Fire safety issues and Keys to The roof of Mallard House Sw6

(Detailed below in the other emails)

YOUR TEAM NOT replying why they provided factually incorrect statement RELATED TO FIRE SAFETY & Roof Keys and How they overcharge us in the past.

MOST IMPORTANTLY how they can move forward & resolve the disputed service charge issue raised by MH association.

Please note if you keep sending threatening letters without resolving disputed issues I will be forced to publish your unethical business practice on a wider scale via UK wide news release.

So far I have only publish reviews (email below). Please note I am informing you in advance that I will not be responsible for any brand damage of RR as a result of UK wide news about RR unethical practices if your team send me any more threatening letter.

I will wait till 2nd December for your reply. Kind regards Subodh Gupta

Subject: Fwd: 35 Mallard House : Scharge + Roof Access (URGENT)
Date: 2022-10-27 13:51

Dear Thomas/Michael/Duncan,

I would like the Schrage issue related to Mhouse to be resolved asap as it pending a long time at your end, but:

(1) It is unfortunate that for around 3 years there is no effort on behalf of RR to resolve the service charge queries from Mallard House association and no response to Schrage queries raised by myself (unanswered email below).

RR sends Schrage bill but doesn’t bother to reply to the Schrage queries. How ethical is that? (Kindly refer to the email below)

(3a)Please provide the Scharge statements based on the actual cost specific to MHouse. (In the past there were incidences where the Mhouse association found evidence of being overcharged by RR). In addition, It is unfair to charge an extra admin charge on top of the service charge while not providing Schrage details.

(b) Please provide Schrage accounts/records as requested by the Mhouse association.

Kindly suggest how you would like the matter to be resolved, please.

Kind regards

Subodh Gupta
Journalism News Network

P.S. Please note so far I have not escalated this issue nationally as I do believe all the issues can be resolved through peaceful dialogues

Fact based Evidence will be added soon next week ..

Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 08:30:19 -0500
From: Subodh Gupta Journalist <>
Subject: Re: Mallard House : Scharge + Roof Access (URGENT)
To: Andy Soteriou <>
Cc: Thomas Watson <>,,,

Dear Andy and Thomas,
Good afternoon,

I want a solution to resolve this unneccessary long pending issue as it is total waste of my time
but 2 years has gone by but my queries are still PENDING at yours/RR senior mgmt end in regards to both
DISPUTED Scharge & Roof Access to Mallard House residents but you still sending me threatening letters
related to scharge???

(1)Roof access:
We as a resident of MHouse would like to have access to roof door & unfortunately all the reasons provided on behalf of RR
(denying roof access to us) were FACTUALLY INCORRECT.(Reason best known to R&R).

SOLUTION: This issue can be easily resolved when roof roof access provided to MHouse residents.

(2)Disputed Service charge Mallard house:

Last 2 years I paid R&R 1500 GBP (& other amount) for Disputed Scharge in good faith hoping RR would make an effort to resolve DISPUTED scharge issue at the earliest and provide Scharge based on ACTUAL cost/accounts related to MHouse as requested by Mhouse association but that is STILL not sorted at your end BUT now you still send me another bill instead of replying the queries & resolving disputed Scharges. How is that ethical & justified at your end???


(a) Please provide Scharge accounts/records as requested by Mhouse association Note: (In the past there were incidences where Mhouse association found evidence of being overcharged by RR).

(b) STILL even though there is considerabe delay at your end BUT If you CONFIRM me today specific date (resonable time period say 2 or 4 months) by which you shall be able to resolve and provide us scharge based on actual cost as requested by Mallard House association, I will pay payment of 1500 GBP today itself.

PLease Note: If you neither provide MH association disputed Scharge based on actual cost and nor ready to commit date by which you will provide us with the same, then in that case This is to inform you that I am exercising my “Summary of Tenant’s rights and obligation” in relation to variable service charges which is set out on “summary clause 10”. This is to inform you that I am not happy & I dispute Scharges as charges don’t correspond to my lease.

Till disputed service charge issue is resolved and you bring transparency, kindly don’t send me any more Scharge demand, please as
it is total waste of time for me & for yourself.

Kind regards
Subodh Gupta
Journalism News Network,

Subject: Mallard House : Scharge + Roof Access (URGENT)
Date: 2021-11-08 11:09
From: Subodh Gupta Journalist <>

Dear Mr. McDonagh,

I am looking forward for a solution but its unfortunate that One year has gone by & my queries are still PENDING at yours/RR senior mgmt end in regards to both DISPUTED Scharge & Roof Access to Mallard House residents.

Disputed Service charge Mallard house:

Last time in Feb 2021, I paid RR 1500 GBP for Scharge in good faith hoping RR would make an effort to resolve DISPUTED scharge issue at the earliest and provide Scharge based on ACTUAL cost/accounts related to MHouse
as requested by Mhouse association but that is STILL not sorted at your end BUT now you still send me another bill of £1725 dated 27/10/2021. How is that ethical & justified at your end???

This is to inform you that I am exercising my “Summary of Tenant’s rights and obligation” in relation to variable service charges which is set out on “summary clause 10”. This is to inform you that I am not happy & I dispute Scharges as these charges don’t correspond to my lease.

(a)Please provide the Scharge statements based on actual cost specific to MHouse. (In the past there were incidences where Mhouse association found evidence of being overcharged by RR). (b) Please provide Scharge accounts/records as requested by Mhouse association

Till disputed service charge issue is resolved and you bring transparency , kindly don’t send me any more Scharge demand, please as it is total waste of time for me & for yourself.

Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2021 06:54:05 -0500
From: Subodh Gupta Journalist <>
Subject: Fwd: Scharge + Mallard House Fire Escape Door & SCharge Issue (URGENT)

Dear Michael,

Service charge issue related to MHouse has not been resolved at your end despite my several emails to yourself and releasing past several scharge payment in good faith hoping you will resolve issues raised by MHouse vice chair Amir/Alan and myself.

Now you have send me threatening email of solicitors for scharge payment instead of resolving the issue. Do you think this is the way to resolve issue and its justified at your end?

Kind regards
Subodh Gupta

Date: Fri, 02 Oct 2020 10:26:38 -0500
From: Subodh Gupta Journalist <>
Subject: Mallard House Fire Escape Door & SCharge Issue (URGENT)

To whom it may concern

Respected Sir,
My name is Subodh Gupta from Journalism News Network & resident of Flat 35 Mallard House, Station Court, SW62BF London.
I would like to bring to your kind attention 2 issues, delayed for many years at your end.

(1) NO 1 PRIORITY: Fire Escape (Mallard House)
Mallard House building is closed from all three sides and only one entry door/exit door at GFloor with no fire escape door?

So if there is a fire on the 1st/2nd floor, all the residents on the upper floor are like sitting duck especially if they live on the backside of the building as no fire brigade can reach there.

SOLUTION: The one possible solution I see is the door to the roof from where one can easily escape to the other buildings/hotel exit either side.

But the door to the roof is kept closed (I don’t know under whose direction)

MHouse association has been requesting for the last few years for the ACTUAL INVOICES on the basis of which Service charge demand is raised under section 10 to MH leaseholders/residents.

Reason: We noticed many service expenses charged to MH residents in the past which were never been provided to MH residents in the first place. I leave this for our Mhouse association to follow up.

I only request you to please provide the requested invoices/information/accounts by our Mhouse association at the earliest so service charge dispute can be resolved asap, once for all.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Kind regards

Subodh Gupta
—– End forwarded message —–

From Subodh Gupta Journalist Network
Date 2018-08-10 21:36

Hello Ms Nicky Robinson/A2D,
Unfortunately I haven’t received answer to my SIMPLE query (email below sent last month) regarding scharge, instead you send another letter asking for payment. I have attached one page service charge actual accounts from R&R

(1)It CLEARLY stated that for Whole year 2016, the total S Charge for WHOLE BLOCK J (Rocket, Mallard, Stephenson, Stanier, Orient), £81,840 and after adding reserve funds around £93000. Now point is you are asking roughly similar amount from Mallard House only for year 2016??? how does that amount for WHOLE block J, translate into SCh for Mallard House only???

(2)Are we paying service charge for others houses of BLOCK J as well??? or What percentage of £93000, should Mallard house pay??? Nicky if you please clear the answer to above 2 queries, I would be more than happy to clear any due first thing in the Monday 13th Aug morning.

I am looking forward to your reply to sort this long pending issue asap.
Kind regards
Subodh Gupta