Labour party plans to give asylum-seekers £1,600 a MONTH and if that’s not enough also the UK taxpayers’ cash to fight deportation.
Three Welsh Labour ministers have sent the ambitious scheme to Whitehall.
The more I find this news, the more I am convinced that the UK is a country moving towards economic and social disaster.
On the economic front one after another businesses are closing down. Around 4500 hospitality (venues pub/bars/restaurants) businesses closed this year alone which means almost 12 businesses every day. On the political front, the 2 major parties both seem out of touch with the UK citizen’s main concerns.
One party wants to invite illegals and wants to give them £1600 per month and taxpayer cash for free and the other parties seem incapable to stop the influx of illegals in the country.
Three Welsh Labour ministers – Jane Hutt, Julie Morgan and Mick Antoniw – are signatories of the letter, which demands that all migrants aged 18 and over should get universal basic income without being deprived of legal aid.
What are your views, please let us know what you think and if enough citizen’s views, we can send this to Westminister.
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