Dhamma Vasudha Vipassana Centre Reviews
Dhamma Vasudha Kendra is in the tradition of Guru ji Shri S.N. Goenka ji is run and managed by Vipassana Prachar VA Prasar committee Hiwara.
It’s great news for all the serious vipassana students because this centre is now being developed to offer long courses of vipassana meditation for the serious meditators.

Opportunity to develop parmies:
Now committee has decided to develop the centre to benefit more people and for that center decided to construct male and female resident, water tank, road, electricity at female resident and dinning hall.
The estimated cost of the above mentioned work is Rs 70 lakhs. Vipassana course are run solely on the basis of freely offered donation, no fee is charged for the course from the students but are financed totally by donation form students to add on to their parmi of generosity.
Point to note here is that only the students who have completed prior 10 days course can give dana or donation out of their free will. The teacher or the dhamma servers do not receive any kind of remuneration but the maitri or metta from the students.
Those who serve the course volunteer their time solely motivated by gratitude for the benefits personaly received from Vipassana meditation.
This vipassana centre is being developed. More details about vipassana course at the Dhamma Vasudha centre:
How to make a donation to Dhamma Vasudha Vipassana centre
If you desire to give donation you can do it through:
Account Number 970110100020790 Ifc code Bikdooo9701 Bank of India seloo wardha.
For details enquiry please contact: 9326732547
Be happy 🙂
Vipassana Hyderabad Reviews
Additional information:
Dhamma Vasudhā – Vipassana Centre
Hivara, Post Zadshi, Tal Selu,
Dist. Wardha, Maharashtra, India
This Vipassana Centre is around 15 kilometers from Wardha Railway station and near Gandhi ji Sevagram Vinobha Bhave ji Ashram
Email: info@vasudha.dhamma.org
Contact: Smt. Bante, Mob. 93267-32547, Mr. Katawe, Mob. 9890309738
Location of Dhamma Vasudha Centre:
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Peaceful and calming for the everyone who wants to discover their own self with vipassana meditation.
What to bring
Required Items
Alarm Clock, flashlight, and batteries for both.
(You can’t use your cell phone or other personal electronic device as an alarm clock).
Top and bottom sheet and pillowcase for a twin-size bed.
Enough comfortable, loose fitting, modest, “somewhat baggy” clothing for the duration of your stay: pants or skirts that cover your knees when you are meditating (when sitting either on a chair or on the floor), T-shirts without distracting images and words. If you have tattoos, please bring clothing to cover them so they do not distract others. These guidelines allow other students to focus on their meditation more easily.
Towel and all needed toiletries, non-scented personal hygiene articles and feminine sanitary protection.
Water Bottle.
Any prescribed medication you are taking. Please make sure you bring enough for the entire course.
Suggested Items:
Indoor footwear/slippers: easy slip-ons e.g. clogs, flip flops, etc.
A shawl or light blanket other than your sleeping blanket for use in the meditation hall.
Seasonal Items
Seasonal outdoor wear: raincoat, umbrella, boots, hat, warm clothing.
We provide:
Meditation cushions: We supply a large base cushion for every student. We have a limited supply of smaller sitting cushions, so please bring any additional cushions that you may need.
Bedding: sleeping pillow and one light fleece blanket. A limited supply of extra blankets is available so you may wish to bring one of your own.
Do not bring:
Distracting Clothing
Tight, transparent, revealing or otherwise striking clothing (such as low risers, shorts, short skirts, tights, leggings, sleeveless, tank, low-cut or skimpy tops) should not be worn at the center. Modest dress is required for both men and women.
books, diaries, journals and other reading/writing materials
smart phones or tablets (These cannot be used as a watch or an alarm clock during the course)
electronic equipment such as personal computers
musical instruments
personal food items
tobacco in any form
non-prescribed drugs (you may bring supplements and vitamins with permission)
perfumes or strongly scented toiletries
religious or spiritual objects
jewelry or other unnecessary valuables
If you arrive with any of these items you will be asked to leave them with management or lock them in your car until the course ends.