Philanthropist Satish Kumar Modi held a charity event at BAFTA, 195 Piccadilly London on the 24th May 2018, to raise funds to help educate underprivileged children in India.

Mr. Modi took the audience to the reflective mode by asking a question such as, ” One should ask oneself, why one should part away with part of their wealth to the underprivileged students? He added further that my answer to this questions is that we are here temporarily for few years and not permanently. What you gave goes with you but what you have stays here as money can’t go with you”. He also shared his personal experience that miracles happen when you do philantrhopy.
On this occasion Dayawati Modi Global Awards for 2018 were also announced :
1. Paul Golding Chairmen of pinewood film studios
2. Fischer Cherry renowned artist from New York
3. Rachel Shenton Oscar award winner also won the Youth Icon award 2018.

Hina Solanki

Final Arts for India charity event highlights 2018