Google has stolen the tech spotlight with its recent success of Google cardboard. This cardboard headset allows users to utilize their smartphone as a virtual
reality viewer through supported apps and videos.

Isa Sonnenfeld from Google News lab gave a very informative presentation at the Hacks/Hackers Connect London on Google Cardboard and Virtual Reality and other areas of innovation which could be effectively used by the journalist to improve their coverage.

She also gave the demo of Google Cardboard’s virtual reality experience and explained step by step as how a journalist can easily incorporate Google Cardboard for better user experience.
Google Cardboard apps have already been downloaded more than 25 million times from the Google Play store, however, many journalists still not using this in their coverage. In fact, the reaction of many journalists at the Hacks/Hackers Connect was awesome when Isa Sonnenfeld from Google Lab help journalist experience it.
Hacks/hackers event for the journalist and media entrepreneurs is attended by more than 100 journalists and proving to be a big hit among its audience as after the end of today’s session almost everybody confirmed that they have learned a lot.
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For information: Training for Journalists