Hacks/Hackers Connect event for journalist and media entrepreneurs begin at Rainmaking Loft in London on February 5, 2016.
HacksHackers Connect Event in London – Joanna Geary JoannaUK) Twitter
More than 100 people attended the opening session. The event is organised by Joanna G from Twitter news; Sarah M, from Wall Street Journal; Cassie W. from Quarts; Federica C. from Newspaper world; Peter M, founder of a software company and Jeremy W. from Blipper and it includes a weekend of practical workshops and mentoring for journalist and those interested in building news-related businesses.
In the past Hacks/Hackers has brought thousands of journalists and technologists around the world together to seed new media ventures, grow deeper connections within the community and attract new collaborators.
HacksHackers Connect Event in London Feb 5, 2016
Connect is built on a belief that the information ecosystem of tomorrow will be heavily influenced by entrepreneurial and new risk-taking enterprises. The aim is to help journalist and news entrepreneurial community within the UK news industry.
Speaking on this occasion, Joanna G from Twitter News said: ” We really want to help journalist community by giving them help such as mentors, practical workshops, technical info for developing news enterprises as little being done in this direction”.
Keynotes speakers include:
Mark Little, Founder, Storyful (@marklittlenews)
Matt McAlister, Co-founder, Publish.org (@mattmcalister)
Rebekah Monson, Co-founder, The New Tropic (@rsm)
David Murray-Hundley, “The Grumpy Entrepreneur” (@ThegrumpyE)
According to Crunchbase, there have been just 65 London startups created in the news space since 2010 and just 7 – achieved investment over $1 million.
To be continued on 6th Feb…
Isa Sonnenfeld from Google Lab Lead, speaking at HacksHackers event in London
Isa Sonnenfeld presented a very informative session on Google Cardbox, VR and other areas of innovation which could be effectively used by the journalist to improve their coverage.
Rebekah Monson, Co-founder, The New Tropic at HacksHackers
Rebekah Monson, Co-founder, The New Tropic shared her experience as how she grows her community from 0-20,000 and challenges she and her team came across.
Sarah Drinkwater (@sarahdrinkwater), head of Google campus
Sarah Drinkwater (@sarahdrinkwater), head of Google campus London shared her experience on how to build a successful community and what not to do as well.
HacksHackers Connect Event in London Feb 5, 2016 -Group activity