AI revolutionizing the real estate business

AI revolutionizing the real estate business Real estate firms are now turning to advanced technology like artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze leases, value properties, communicate with tenants and manage properties more efficiently. In a recent gathering of property professionals in New York, many reported using generative AI, a sophisticated form of AI that creates content … Read more

All About Blockchain, Crypto, NFT & Metaverse

What Is Blockchain? Blockchain is a system for recording & storing information and transactions in a database that is distributed across a network of computer systems. The blockchain database is referred to as a “ledger”, and for this reason, blockchain is also referred to as “distributed ledger technology.” Blockchain ledgers can be made either public … Read more

Is JB Leitch Solicitors harassing tenants

Is JB Leitch harassing tenants or leaseholders by sending overly aggressive and threatening letters filled with false statements? Solicitors in the UK should not be making allegations without legal merit i.e. solicitors bringing claims having made insufficient enquiries of…the following case suggests that J B Leitch Solicitor do that… J B Leitch made a false … Read more

What is artificial intelligence in simple words with examples

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, in simple words, is a way to make computers and machines/robots smart, so they can do things that normally require human intelligence. AI helps computers or robots learn, understand, and solve problems independently. Artificial Intelligence (AI) tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, understanding natural language, and perceiving the environment. Artificial intelligence with … Read more