Angela Jones died after weight loss surgery

Summary: A promising life cut short and Angela Jones a bubbly mother died after gastric-bypass surgery left her unable to eat.

Weight loss surgery deprives people of their normal life. People after surgery would never be able to enjoy their food ever for the rest of their life whether it is Christmas or they are on their holidays or their child birthday or any other festival.

Angela’s daughter Chantel Graf, 19, desperately tried to feed her mum but could only watch as Angela died a slow and agonizing death. Grieving Chantel said “I speak on behalf of the whole family when I say people often mistakenly think these operations are the answer to being obese. We believe my mum would still be alive if she hadn’t had this done.”

She added “We don’t feel that the risks of severe side-effects, which can be fatal, were properly explained to Mum. We bitterly regret the surgery.”

Angela underwent her weight loss surgery at the ­private Spire Southampton Hospital, Hants, in March 2010. Chantel said: “Mum was always overweight. She was born with hip ­problems and developed arthritis that made exercise difficult.

Chantel said: “All her food had to be liquidised. She couldn’t swallow any lumps. It was heartbreaking to see her drink her meals. Even then, often she still couldn’t keep anything down.”

The death certificate lists her gastric bypass weight-loss surgery in March 2010 among the causes of her death. Over 6,500 weight loss procedures are currently performed in the UK every year.

The weight loss surgery is not the right solution to obesity problem rather it is complicating the life of patients after the surgery. List of problems and complications after the weight loss surgery operation are endless. As one may get additional problems such as Hernia, Internal Bleeding, Swelling of the skin around the wounds, etc.

The simple, safe and free solution is the adoption of a healthy lifestyle, lack of which is the main cause of obesity in the first place. Even after weight loss surgery one is forced to adopt that healthy lifestyle. People should thoroughly think it through before undergoing gastric bypass surgery.