Russia count Goa India as dangerous travel destination

In a serious blow to Goa’s tourism industry, India has been struck off from the list of safe travel destinations for Russian tourists, according to a report by the Russian news agency INTERFAX.

Russia counted Goa India as unsafe travel destinations
Russia counted Goa India as unsafe travel destinations


The Russian information center in Goa stated that a revised travel advisory had been issued and “Both India and Goa were not considered as good destinations for Russian travelers,” said Ekaterina Belyakova, head of the Russian information center.

It’s not just a blow for the Russian tourist whose options for sunny climes has shrunk further but for Goa’s economy as well. “Over the past few years, the number of Russian tourists was not less than 50% of all foreign tourists visiting Goa.

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Since 2002, the number of Russian-speaking tourists has grown steadily. In 2013, the number of Russian tourists visiting Goa was 250,000,” Belyakova said.

The Russians added that the removal of Goa from the safe list was not connected to terror attacks but because of some ugly local Goa incidents.

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The Russian information center also pointed out that affordability was another reason behind falling Russian arrivals to Goa. The weakening economy had made Russian citizens look for less expensive travel destinations across Asia.

Russians tourist arriving in Goa are already reducing because of the devaluation of the rouble in addition to negative incidents involving taxi drivers, and price increases.

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The crime rate in India is all-time high against female tourist. Recently a U.S. doctor was molested in Varanasi BHU India.  Unless Indian govt take strong action against culprits harassing tourists, India may lose its shine among the foreign travelers which will be a big blow to its tourism industry.


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